Sunday, July 29, 2012

Eating of my heart.

This is a dream from two nights ago. I can not recall most of the dream but I do remember this specific part of the dream;

The setting was underground subway of some kind that many people were living in or taking refuge. I had a younger sister who was about the same age with the same length hair but auburn colored. We were both wearing long dresses in the dream, white ones if I recall correctly.

We both cautiously walked into this abandon store. Things were hanging down from the ceiling from old wear blocking parts of my view at times. But before I could step in to far into the store, I froze and watched a scene happen before my eyes like a vision. I had walked further in with my sister until she disappeared from my view. Looking around for her I ended up being stabbed, I can not recall if it was from in front or behind, but even still I fell to the ground. Laying on my back I peered up to see my sister there smirking at me before reaching down and ripping my heart out of my chest with her bare hand. She then proceeded to eat my heart, blood drenching her clothes and pouring down from her hand.

The vision ended and I glanced over at my sister who looked over at me to see why I had stopped. She gave me a smile, but I knew it was because of the plan in mind. I ended up walking out of the store and back around people. I had told those closest to me about what I saw therefore putting her in lock down. No one let her out of their sight and left me alone with her.

It was such a strange dream to even have, and can easily be classified as creepy. I wouldn't consider this a nightmare though because 1) I have my dream catch to catch those and 2) I didn't feel any fear in my dream. It's just how it played out.

The night before the dream above, that there was one more dream that I was really surprised to encounter to be honest. Taran was in my dream where as he rarely ever decides to make an appearance. It was also quite... passionate. Well, maybe not as passionate as some may think but for me, quite.

In my dream I was surprised to see him when passing down an alley way to meet someone, a group of friends I think. I don't even recall an exchange of words before I found myself roughly shoved against the wall which I do remember it hurting and about to yell at him for doing that until I was basically pinned against the wall with his form, and his hands were on the either side of my head holding it still as he began kissing me fervently. As if instinct, I had reached up, curling my fingers into his hair kissing him back.

I woke up not to long after but I never have any dreams like that, so I was really surprised to say the least. I don't even know if he did that on purpose, or if that was all in my subconscious. But I'm not going to ask him because if it wasn't him on his part I don't want to hear the endless taunting that could come with the news.