Thursday, May 23, 2013

Meeting Fiona

Though this is not a dream, I met one of my ancestors who was gifted in the "sight" (second sight some call it). I few days ago I bought a book called Celtic Visions: Seership, Omens, and Dreams of the Otherworld by Caitlin Matthew and there is a section to call upon an ancestor to guide anyone seeking help with "sight." So I decided to call to them and see who would answer.

Inhaling deeply the cool, fresh air I stared out into the scenery. Standing upon a hill, underneath a single tree with lush, new green leaves sprouting from the branches. Down below in the valley is nothing but green meadows, small lumps of land raising from the earth and a curvy strip carving through the land as a river. Further in the distant are the mountains stretching towards the paling sky; soft pinks mixing with pastels blues indicating the arrival of twilight. A breeze picks up, rustling the tree leaves and long blades of grass. I dig my toes into the soft grass, enjoying the smells that the wind brings. Familiar with my surroundings, I called out in a clear voice who I am. My name escapes my lips, and requesting for one of my ancestors to answer my call to help guide me in the correct path of seership.

I stand there a moment, listening before everything goes black. I'm standing in darkness but I know someone is here with me. "You called me?"

I turn my head, straining to listen trying to figure out if the voice who answered was male of female. "Yes, I did. Are you one of my ancestors?"

"Yes I am."

Female. The voice is definitely a female voice. I stare into the darkness trying to figure out if she is actually standing there in front of me, or merely a presence surrounding me. "Are you standing before me?"

"I am." The moment she answered I could see her more clearly, her figure standing there amongst the darkness but none of the darkness touched her. She stood tall, her shoulders pulled back holding herself with pride. She stepped in long, graceful strides in a path that circled me. I tried observing her in interested as she obviously did in return.

Her locks were a dark brown, stopping at her collar bones and curling inwards. A weaving, silver circlet with a green, circle gem in the very center pushed back her bangs, keeping them out of her face and revealing her forehead. Silver earnings hung from her ears, shimmering in the darkness with a matching necklace hanging in between where her collar bones, a clear green teardrop shaped stone hanging from the silver chain.

"What is your name?" I questioned feeling my growing frustrated that she keeps circling me reminding me the time I met Carwyn.

"Fiona," she answered back in a smooth voice, her gaze examining every part of me.

"Would it be rude of me to ask you to stop moving?" I bit back any annoyance I had, I didn't want to be rude to my possible teacher, let alone my ancestor.

Fiona paused in front of me, her eyes finding mine. Moss green filled my gaze. "Not at all." She stood still, still holding herself with much pride as I took in the rest of her appearance feeling my annoyance quickly fade away. A moss green dress hugged her slender figure, the hems embroidered with elegant silver designs, and a brown, leather belt clinging to her waist. A lighter shade of moss green and matching silver embroidered at the hems cloak covered her shoulders dragging along the ground.

I related how I saw her in my eyes, and she nodded her head approvingly.  "You're not bad, but you are still very weak."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I know, there is much that I have to learn."

Fiona motioned me to follow her with her hand, "Come, let us walk." She began her long strides, darkness fading away into a grassy, forest path and I hastily followed, trying to catch up with her head start.

Shyly, I inquired if she was physical (as physically as she could get) near my body or was I meeting her only in the specific mental place. "No, I can only meet you in this plane. But this is all that is necessary." 

Another question escaped my throat before I realized I was asking, my curiosity peaking. "Are you an ancestor from my incarnate's bloodline?"

Lips twitched into a smile. "Yes, I am. However, all Celts' ancestry goes back to Danu." That made sense in my mind and I found myself nodding to her brief explanation. "Now for your practices. For twenty minutes everyday I want you to see someone, one of your fae will do, and focus on their appearance the whole time. Interact with them while holding a strong, steady sight on them. This is what I want you to do in the mean time."

"All right. When should I meet you again?"

Her eyes turn upwards towards the sky for a moment before turning back down. "Once every week is fine."

"Every week? How about every week Thursday?" I inquired and I got a nod of agreement. With this agreement, a student teacher bond had been created.