Monday, September 30, 2013

The Fall of Fallon

I made sure I stayed far enough behind in order to keep distance between father, Gwilyn, and Gaerwn and myself to make sure they did not notice that they were being followed. I gripped tightly on the reins of my young horse, one perfect for my small ten year old size, and made sure to not take my eyes off the sight of the three horses in the distance. Hours passed by, the sun lowering down allowing the moon to rise into the starry sky, and I had lost sight of my family once they entered the protection of the forest.

I slipped off my horse with ease but landed wobbly legs. I had never ridden for such a long time before; my body ached and I felt physically exhausted. I just wanted to find a nice spot of soft grass under a nice large tree to curl up under. If there was an oak grove nearby would be even better. Gripping on to the reins in on hand, I reached up patting my horse's neck with my free hand," Let me look around a bit and then we can set up to rest."

Before I did anything else, I froze at the sound of my name and slowly peered over my shoulder to see Gwilyn standing there with arms crossed firmly over his chest. His expression obviously looked less than pleased and instantly I feared the reaction of father now that I've been exposed. "What are doing here!?" he snapped and I flinched away at his tone. "Do you even know what you are doing? What if something happened to you and no one would know that you were in trouble?"  Gwilyn trailed off with an angry sound, it was obvious he wanted to say more but his frustration prevented him from forming anymore words.

I stood there, waiting for what to do next. It was useless to try and resist or even fight, I was caught red-handed.

With a heavy exhale, Gwilyn walked over and took the reins from my hands. "Father is going to be furious." He motioned with his head to follow, and I did without a word. The walk was quick, and a warm glowing light filtered through the trees indicating a small fire that had been built. With each step, I could feel fear grip at my heart. I was more willing to face father's wrath with mother around, or even if Carwyn was around, not by myself.

"I'm back," Gwilyn announced as we step closer, and I stepped behind him, afraid of what was to happen next once we stepped into the clearing.

"All ready? That was a quick scout." I heard Gaerwn comment as we stepped into the small clearing. A small fire was burning in the center with their horses off to the side grazing on the thick grass. Both Gaerwn and father were sitting around the fire, relaxing, until they saw the horse Gwilyn had with him.

"Yeah, and I found a follower." I saw the confusion flicker across their faces but father's eyes found me instantly hiding slightly behind Gwilyn and I felt my heart stop. He said my name evenly as I rose to his feet. His expression looked neutral but I could see the flames of fury burning in the cold blue hues of his eyes. Gwilyn stepped aside allowing a full view of my form and father stepped right in front of me. I swallowed thickly, gripping the fabric of my white dress in both my hands tightly and stared up at his tall form.

"What are you doing here?" He tone was still even which I knew that he was beyond angry. He was never this calm when I was caught doing something wrong. 

I fidgeted under his intense gaze, trying to find words to respond with. I could bare to look at him in his eyes, and bowed my head to stare at his boots.

"Well?" He pressed, his tone slightly rising and voice a little louder.

"I... I just wanted to see mother," I muttered out meekly, feeling tears stinging my eyes."I want to see mother." Was all I could repeat resisting the urge to cry.

There was a moment of stillness. I was to afraid to look up to see father's reaction, and just continued staring at his boots, waiting for what felt like eternity. With a surprise sound, I was lifted up into his arms and I stared at my father's completed defeated expression. "Is that all she brought Gwilyn?" he inquired turning towards Gwilyn who had moved my horse with the others.

Gwilyn held up a small bag for father to see. "She had this. It has some food for herself and the horse, and water. Not much other than that."

Father sighed heavily, murmuring under his breath, "You didn't even bring a cloak." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he stared at the fire, watching the flames in thought. Gwilyn and Gaerwn remained silent as well, watching father, waiting for what he had to say next. 

After a few minutes he spoke, still staring at the fire. "There is not much we can do now. We can't send her back alone and I want both of you with me when we arrive in Falias," he sighed again. "Gwilyn I want her to ride with you tomorrow, and Gaerwn, you'll hold onto her horse with you. And you," he shifted his gaze down at me, "Will stay with Gwilyn at all times unless instructed to do something else. You have to promise me this."

I nodded my head, not understanding the serious nature of what lied in Falias. "Yes father."


The morning came and we set out the moment the sun's light began to pick-en the sky. For hours I was saddled in front of Gwilyn, his arms creating a shield around me with his hands holding onto the reins. Falias came in sight and the horses slowed into a trot as we entered the city. No soldiers stood guard by the gate, and the cobbled streets were empty of all life. There was an unsettling stillness that laid upon Falias.

"Gwilyn," I murmured feeling uncomfortable in this stillness, but he hushed me quickly. I could feel his body lowering slightly closer to me, his head hovering inches above my own and I watched as his eyes scanned the area. We continued forward further into the city, still no signs of life, just the sound of the horse's hooves clicking against the hard stones.

Suddenly, as if a veil was lifted, there was sound all around. Voices yelling, metal hitting against metal, wood splintering and so much more noise. Before I really could grasp what was happening, father was yelling out instructions and Gwilyn turned his horse in the direction we had came from, urging the horse to run. I gripped onto the horse's mane, praying that I would stay on. There were people everyone, warriors clashing with any weapon they could get their hands on, arrows slicing through the air to attempt to hit their marks. Suddenly the horse reared back, letting out a terrified sound, knocking both Gwilyn and I off it's back. I couldn't help but scream as I fell. Gwilyn managed to grab me and pull my into a close embrace as he fell onto his back and I landed on him, cushioned by the fall.

I felt dazed but I was all ready being pulled to my feet by Gwilyn. "You need to run, go find somewhere to hide. I'll follow behind you and find you," he ordered before pushing forward towards an ally clear of any warriors. Running on fear and adrenaline, I ran in the direction he pushed me hearing Gwilyn unsheathe his sword from behind. I didn't dare look back, I just ran through the ally ways avoiding areas that had violent conflicts occurring.

Eventually my chest burned for oxygen, and I slowed my run into a brisk walk. I whirled around a corner to freeze in place at the scene a few feet in front of me. There were only two in front of me, swords drawn for combat. The man dressed in black looked familiar, someone I had seen before. His back was towards me with long, curly black locks tied into a low pony tail hanging down from his head. But the other, the one with dark, honey-blond locks cascading behind him I knew. "Fallon," I said his name without thinking.

That was enough to catch his attention, his eyes shifted away from his opponent in my direction. I could see them widen saying my name in no more than a murmur. The man in black peered over his shoulder, golden eyes glistening in the light with a look that struck fear in my heart. I am unsure what had happened next, everything moved so fast that it was over before I knew it. Fallon laid in front of me on his back, blood seeping from lacerations that were not there before and an arm out stretched towards me.

With a gasp of shock, I stumbled back falling down in the process. The man in black stepped closer to Fallon's body and pulled out a small black vial. Uncorking the vial, he pour a translucent black liquid over Fallon earning a reaction from the struck down king. Fallon yelled in agony as the liquid sizzled against his skin, burning through his clothes in attempts to touch skin. I could feel myself shaking as I could only watch Fallon writhe in pain. Fallon stopped yelling, but his chest heaved as his breathing became labored.

The man in black made a unimpressed sound tossing the vial over his shoulder, letting the glass shatter against the stone. He briefly lowered himself, searching for something on Fallon before standing up properly again. His eyes moved to focus on me and began to step forward in my direction. Fallon's head rolled to the side , his eyes filled with a pleading look as he managed to rasp out, "Run."

Despite his instruction, despite my mind screaming for my body to run, I was frozen in my spot watching him come closer with every step. I heard a yell from my side and suddenly Gwilyn was in front of me, disheveled but sword drawn tightly in the grip of both of his hands. The man in black did not falter a step and without any effort slammed Gwilyn away with such force Gwilyn was send a few feet with a cry. I stared where Gwilyn had landed, curled up in pain but struggled to get back up.

I was forced to look away from Gwilyn when a hard grip grasped my chin and stare straight up into those gold orbs. "I have you to thank for helping me take down the King." His lips were twisted into a cruel smile before he let go of my face and turned the corner leaving death in his wake.

I found myself looking back at Fallon and slowly inched forward towards him. Tears filled my eyes, and I had to blink them away to try and clear my vision. "F-Fallon..." Even though minutes ago he looked like he was in unimaginable pain, he looked relieved and calm now. But by now, I knew better. I knew he was dying right before my eyes.

Raising a hand, I reached out to touch his hand that laid outstretch but I flinched away when he told me no. "Don't touch me... I don't want you to touch the poison," he breathed. He had such a kind look in his reflecting in his eyes, my chest tightened in grief. How could he smile at me?

I flinched when I felt myself being pulled back into an embrace. I clung to Gwilyn's arms that wrapped around me and Fallon's eyes flickered staring up at Gwilyn. "I"m glad that you are both all right..." With that, Fallon's eyes lowered closed and this time remained closed.

The moment his eyes shut, I couldn't hold in the raw emotions anymore. I turned inward to find comfort from Gwilyn as I sobbed at the death of the King of Falias.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dream: The Feud

Two families were at war with each other, but they weren't always in war with each other. I knew this, my family knew this and this useless feud needed to stop. I am not sure when this fighting started but I do know it was a long time ago because with each new generation they learned how to fight, developing their own specialized skills of combat.

Within the most recent attack with each other two had died; one very important to me. The youngest, a child of about 10, was stabbed clean through with a sword from the head hold of the other family. However, the child was a genius with poisons and substances and did not die in vain. The head's lower body and arms were covered with a black substance; some kind of burning poison that I did not know. Someone from his family, a young girl of around 13 with white ribbons in her hair, cradling his head as she wept, "Why won't you let me heal you? Why won't you allow it?"

I stepped forward closer to the scene. He was dying, there was no way he would be able to survive this. His dark, honey-golden hair sprawled out behind him like a sun's rays behind his head with a gentle smile when he saw my approach. He waved the child away, telling her something, but I didn't catch it. She stood up sending a tear-filled gaze towards me before disappearing. I was to stunned to see him lying there, slowly slipping away with each second that passed by. Tears stung my eyes as I lowered myself to my knees, my chest tight with grief. "I'm sorry, you know," he spoke smoothly and lightly as if there was nothing paining him, sounding as if nothing was wrong when obviously there was. "For taking your mother away."

I gritted my teeth at the reminder; the memory flashing in my mind the day mother left on a horse leaving me behind with my father, and my siblings. Crying hysterically, father forced to hold on to me in his arms to keep me from running after. Though he did all that, he was still my step father and now he was dying amongst the chaos of this feud that had no goal, no purpose.

He shifted his eyes away from me and stared at the sky. "I do not blame you for changing the loyalty of some of my children. Now that I lay here, all this fighting seems silly now."

I said nothing, but the tears wouldn't stop coming. There was a new found determination to stop all this. No more; no more violence, no more fighting amongst each other's families, no more death.

He was gone now, a small smile of peace still etched into his face as they lifted his corpse to the fire.
With the death of the youngest child of one family and the father of another, extremely important and most loved to each family; there was going to be instant retaliation.

Hours later, we found the families facing each other mirroring a battle field, before anyone could make a move. My family moved in between the two forces. This time I had proof of that these families, and even ours, were connected and this feud was useless. Gaerwn stood close to me, eyeing everyone cautiously as I began to speak before any anger spilled over.

I held up a small book with the words "La Vida" written in elegant cursive with gold leaf that Mi provided for me. The book itself was a bit worn with age, but very well taken care of. Gold leaf covered the book and within the pages revealing beautiful artwork and words speaking the stories of all these families and their connections to one another. I began reading a story the instantly each family knew, and somehow lost the information that the characters that interacted with each other were their own and those of they stood against.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Which path do I take? Where do I begin? What can I do?