Monday, February 10, 2014

The Duck and Happiness

It's over. The credits are rolling by with an image of Fakir by the lake with his quill in hand, and parchments resting in his lap with Ahiru swimming around returned to her original form as a tiny, yellow duck. There was a happy ending for everyone, except the one who saved them all.

Princess Tutu, a beautiful and heart-wrenching animation, of how a duck became a princess in order to save the prince that she loved from the Raven. She loved so much that she was able to become human and was doomed to vanish in a speck of light the moment she proclaimed her love to the prince. However, she was able to transcend her role and save everyone with the hope that glowed pulsed from inside her. Alongside with Fakir, the wordsmith who wrote the ending of the tale through her guiding emotions, they broke the bonds of fate. She saved everyone from the tragic ending that was written to happen. However, in the end the prince loved another princess. He took this princess instead and Princess Tutu, who gave and loved so much, returned to being a duck.

In my opinion, such a beautiful tale with a dissatisfying ending for the heroine. I couldn't help but cry for the fate she choose. She lived but what was left for her?

I was so depressed about the ending. I just kept thinking and thinking until it trailed off into a personal level. Will our fates be similar? It all ready seems very similar. Giving up our lives, repeating centuries of reincarnation, sacrificing life's greatest treasures such as raising a child, being seperated from our most precious people and so much more. And still we haven't reached a goal of being happy, being together.

Will there every be a happy ending for us? For me?