Sunday, August 9, 2015

My Name.

My name is being called again.

It's a strange sensation that I can hardly describe. No one is calling my name in the physical world nor from beyond the veil but yet I still hear something. Whether it's from somewhere that was in between the two realms or possibly somewhere deeper, I am not sure. I do know that I am the only one who can hear that someone calling.

I also know that none of my kind can follow me to this place that I find myself wandering into. Every night, late in the evening when the moon is at it's highest is when it begins and I can't help but be drawn to the sound. Even in the depths of my sleep I'm pulled into a level of semi-consciousness to find myself walking in the darkness.

I am walking again in a void of darkness. The ground is cool and smooth against my bare feet as I walk in search of who is calling me. As I walk it feels like I'm a little star among the night sky. Everything is so dark yet I can see myself perfectly; my hands and feet, even the dress that I am wearing. But I don't see anything in the void despite how much I walk.

Normally, I eventually wake up completely slipping back into reality before I can find anything or anyone. However, tonight is different. The darkness fades away and I find myself stand in the middle of a forest with the sun shining brightly above the canape of thick branches and lush leaves. I flickered my eyes around to observe the new surroundings; it was strange to be in the sunlight. Every time I travel, even during the day, I find myself when the sun is setting or the starry, moonlit sky has claimed night.

Cautiously I walk forward again through the line of trees. The grass is soft, not irritating my skin like I would expect. The forest is quiet with no signs or sounds of life. I can't hear the voice anymore and concern grows inside my chest making it feel tight. I am unsure of where to go next. I stop near a tree curling against the bark, glancing around the area. 

Finally there is movement.

Someone is walking through the forest heading in my direction. The steps are silent as if there person walking isn't making a sound but I can see them coming closer and closer. But the closer they get the more uneasy I get. They way that the moved seemed... not human; too still, too quiet but yet has effortless grace. I all ready know, I don't have to guess. Their appearance is that of a male form with long, straight, snow white hair with most of the locks tied back loosely while the rest hangs in front. Even from the distance I can see the piercing ice blue orbs for eyes. I hold my breath when he nears, waiting for something to happen but he walks past me as if he doesn't see me. For a moment, relief washes over me but all that evaporates when he pauses from his stride as if he just processed my presence.

He turns his head and stares at me, unblinkingly. He knows. "You."

I try hiding myself behind the trunk of the tree despite knowing that the tree would serve me no protection. I want to run but I all ready know he would catch me easily enough. My kin nor my kind will hear me call for help. I'm all alone.

He steps forward in my direction. His face is stoic not revealing any emotion but his eyes are raging like a fierce ice storm. "You are trouble." With a flick of his wrist, he all ready has his slender fingers wrapped tightly around an elegant dagger. "You don't belong here and you certainly aren't going to create such an abomination," he growls the last word heading straight for me. Instinctively I bend down, eyes clutched shut and my hands covering my head expecting to be struck and writhing in pain. Instead I hear the sound of metal meeting metal.

Hesitantly I peer open my eyes to see him standing in front of me, his body being a shield against the one with the white hair. "That's enough," he growls towards the attacker who instantly backs off. His expression is not kind and filled with angry but he doesn't speak. He tosses away the dagger, giving one final side eye look before walking again through the forest as if nothing happened.

I could see the muscle slowly relax once the attack was far enough away before he turned around to face me. It's him again... the angel that exists but doesn't exists. His thick mane looks like the wind ran a hand through it and put it in a ponytail resting against the middle of his neck without trying to tame the mess.He bends down to meet my eyes level; his golden brown eyes boring into mind. I can easily see the reflection of his personality in them: mischievous with a bit of arrogance but sparks of a caring nature flicker through. Lightly the tips of his fingers skim my cheek. "Are you all right?"

I swallow and nod. "Yes."

Even now, he feels like he is really here. This realm is not the other world and is most certainly not reality. He doesn't exist in either, yet here he is.

He grins, wide and full. "You've finally walked into the light."