Saturday, June 8, 2013

On the Flight

Deafening sound reverberated through the air making the earth shake, trees moaned and creaked under air pressure with each beat of the wings. I crouched down feeling my whole body vibrate from both the sound and air pressure as the large beast flew over the tree tops. I peer up at the sky just seeing the scaly tail disappear from my sight.

I take off running down the hill, my chest heaving from adrenaline and slight fear. How does one fight a dragon? Random people rush past me form, retreating in the direction I come from as I go towards the chaos. Ahead at the bottom of the hill, a three story white building is being consumed by fire, a pale dry green dragon with a white underside flying above the house, fire spitting from it's wide carniverous jaws. Finishing it's fire breath, and a strong beat of its wings the dragon took off back into the grey sky.

Nothing could be done about the burning building, I took off again in the direction the dragon was headed. Ahead I could see two companions of mine doing the exact same thing I was, tracking down the dragon. "Eochaidh!" I called out. The tallest of the two paused, peering over his shoulder to see that I was heading in his direction before starting his run again. I managed to catch up, and head the dragon swooped by through the pine trees. It was nearly impossible to keep up with this angry creature.


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