Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Rain

I pull the wool cloak closer to my body trying to keep what little warmth I had left in while scanning the area again for signs of him. My once tight blonde curls now hung loosely, heavy with rain along with everything else. The wool cloak weighted down my shoulders, soaking up every ounce of rain water that was possible. The cold numbed every bit of my exposed skin, slowly inching for the skin that was hidden beneath the dress and cloak.

'He'll be here soon.' I keep telling myself the same thing over and over, despite hours having all ready past since the meeting time. I just couldn't pull myself away to return home. Worry nagged at the back of the mind; did something happen to him? What if I go home and just miss him? Is he all right? Did he forget?

I pause my thoughts, stiffening at hearing something in the distance. I strained my ears trying to pick up where the sound was coming from, stepping back closer to the treeline. I couldn't assume it was him; it could easily be someone from the village or neighboring tribe. Or worse, a Roman solider. Glancing on my right, I spotted a figure running in the distant. The figure came closer, and as the details became clearer, I instantly recognized his black mess of hair making my heart leap. Finally, after hours of waiting, he arrived.

Hurrying out of the safety of the trees, I ran to meet him half way no longer caring about protecting myself from the rain nor worrying about anyone seeing us. The longing to be with him easily overcame any worries that I had. Instantly he gathered me into his arms as my arms wrapped themselves around his torso. His hands grabbed fists full of my wet hair and pressed me as close to him as he breathlessly murmured my name, apologizing for not being able to come sooner. I buried my face into the cloak that covered his shoulder feeling his chest heave underneath me. "You're here now that's all that matters." I inhaled deeply smelling the forest on him mixed in with his own unique scent.

He pulled back slightly, releasing my hair to move his hands to cup both of my cheeks. He leaned in without a second of hesitation, sweeping me away with endless, careless kisses. It no longer mattered that we were suppose to be meeting in secret or that it was raining. We would always find a way to be together as we were meant to be.

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