Monday, March 3, 2014

Dream: The Alpha

They were coming.

I shifted uneasily watching lines of them encircle us against a canyon wall. There was no where to run, no where to hide, and they were closing in even further. The wolves paced around, no aggressive motions but tense ready to act when directed.

The little ones wouldn't have a chance. 

With a commend that reverberated against the limestone canyon walls, the wolves transformed. Lifting themselves up onto their hindquarters, morphing into a humanoid form. Majority of them were men, easily identified as fighters, hunters, warriors with their leather armor and muscular forms. A rumble of a growl vibrated from throat but there was nothing I can do. Either become apart of the pack or die. It was as simple as that and there was no way I was going to allow these pups to die.

The men beckond friendly towards the children, who hesitantly stepped forward toward these strangers that they were to call family. I could feel they're flickered glances towards me, looking for permission, for guidance. I could only give a tiny nod of assurance. Instantly the children began inspecting their elders, testing their boundaries, and gravitating towards certain individuals.

The children may need this protection, but I was certainly not going to assimilate without difficulty. My scoff was heard by the closest man standing next to me, an raised eye brow was sent in my direction. I met his gaze, lifting my head higher showing that I had no fear of him or any of the others here. "I am still an alpha, and I won't give that up."

Instantly the man chuckled, amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Are you now?"

"Yes," I growled threateningly, narrowing my eyes towards him.

He took a moment, leaning against the staff he was carrying.  There was still a smile plastered on his face, but his eyes had intensified in an examining manner. I met his gaze unwavering, waiting. It felt like their was silence just between us, the noise of the world had been drowned out around us. Then he faltered, pulling back his intensity as if he came to a decision. "I wouldn't mind following you."

Instantly I relaxed a bit. There was no joking or mocking tone from his voice, but truth.

The night had fallen, the twilight spend mostly with the children and this pack establishing a bond with each other. The man followed me everywhere I went, growling at any other in his, -our- pack who laughter at the notion of being a alpha. A young women who barely had any wisdom of the world in comparison to many of the women who dwell within the pack.

That's when I saw him. Instantly I know he was the alpha in this pack, the one who shouted out the commands when we pressed against the back of the canyon. His presence seeped out dominance, demanding respect and unquestioned authority. The way that two men followed him positioned themselves around him as a protectors but also not questioning his strength to take care of himself.

His eyes found mine, and like before, refused to waver my gaze. If anything, I lifted my chin a little higher in defiance. His guards snarled at my act, but a small smug smile spread across his face. He nodded his head in a direction, silently informing me to follow. I step over the dusty, desert red rocks to follow him, ignoring the two guards who stayed in place and the man following me also stood in his place, waiting.

No matter what, I would fight for my place.

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