Monday, August 17, 2009

Another Power's Dream.

Last night was another supernatural powers dream.

The setting was a college like building with dorms and lobby type of thing going on. But the students in the school had supernatural powers. (Something like the x-men). I was a student there, and for some reason I had a twin brother.

I actually had darker shade of hair, almost brown. My power was actually over the element water/ice. My twin brother had dark brown hair, with his power being fire. Apparently though fire is broken down in four different types of fire; blue, green, red, and purple. My brother had control over green, red and purple fire which he was able to make precious stones out of. These gems were in the shape of a long crystal and would carry each color; red, green and purple between his fingers resting on the joints.

He was often mixed as a thief because of the gems, and how young he looked. He didn't really have the proper appearance either, his short hair always a bit messy and his clothing loose. But like a brother he was very protective over me despite me being the eldest twin.

I was helping some foreign students get settled in when someone approached, glaring at the students sitting on the ground since there were no more seats. He was Asian looking, taller than me with dark skin, and surprisingly, short, bleach blonde hair. His power was causing explosions, a fire related power. I was also going out with him, despite how annoyed I got with his aggressive nature.

He had a little friend next to him that I absolutely loathed. I thought of him as a leech, leeching on to a powerful person to get protection.

It's a little fuzzy on what happens but somehow there was a fight that started. My brother fighting my boyfriend because he lost his temper over something, and I went after the little leech. His power was strange. His eyes would roll in the back of his head when he did it and opened his mouth, a horrible screech would come out with the chance of making your ears bleed. Knowing this I did some hand movements, and had a thin layer of water covering my body, it wasn't noticeable since it seemed to disappeared. The little leech used his powers on me, but I couldn't hear it which startled him. Knowing it wasn't affecting me he turned and ran with me following. we climbed higher and higher in the school to the point where we were on planks of wood in an area that was off limits to construction from an accident.

Suddenly he whipped around and tried hitting me. I stepped back, but lost my footing over the plank, and feel down at least three levels.

I woke up after that.

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