Monday, August 3, 2009

Odd dream.

Then again, when aren't my dreams odd in some form or way.

The setting was in a mid-evil era or in just some type of fantasy setting. It was a small village/town where a lot of people were poor. The quality of the clothing was tattered, dirt smudges, and faded. Kids were looking through the streets for tossed out trash that may be useful.

I think I was some traveler passing through, and I was slightly anxious. (A few things happened but it's blurry) I was inside a stone castle, or home sitting next to gypsy man. He was an elderly man that hunched over, and held his dark green cloak close with the hood over his head. Across the table sat a soldier; he had a light bronze skin with golden blonde hair that fell in small waves to his shoulders wearing silver armor that covered every inch of his body except his hands and neck to his face.

He was accusing the man of being a gypsy, who in the dream was someone with supernatural powers of the elements. The man kept quiet and I was quiet along with him. Apparently I was a gypsy as well, I think, I was being accused of as well.

During the interrogation the village/town was attacked. Blocks of stone crumbled from the roof and both the the men looked paniced. For some odd reason I was really angry about this attack, my anger turned into "magic", my hands glowed a forest, green mint color. The elder gypsy apparently gasped and said that I wasn't a normal gypsy but something called 'Mother'. Those who are labeled as 'Mother' are special gypsies chosen by Mother Nature to have special powers greater than normal gypsies to help heal the earth and lessen the strain she feels with every day war.

After that, it blurs and I was rudely awaken by Jeremy (my mom's boyfriend, and soon to be step-dad). ...this could totally be something of a story.

I have another dream to write down and it's written in a notebook but I think I left it at Katie's house. -__-

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