Monday, March 22, 2010

Water god and running.

This is been one of the most interesting dream I've ever had.

What started from what I remember was that... I was in some sort of building that was dark, and old. The wood was darkened a dark brown color, almost black. I was wearing some type a tunic type of clothing or sari (a female Indian garment) that was pale purple with a dark, pale blue draping over my body with long flowing sleeves. I was wandering around looking around for a friend of mine until I found him. I can't remember his appearance to well but I know he was had a built form with broad shoulders with dark color hair. He seemed to be a god who had control of water. He was urging me to hurry and hide because another god was looking for me to either hurt me, or kill me.

He gave me some orders to head over somewhere with another female companion of mine. There was an explosion and he yelled, "Go!" before heading towards the explosion to slow down who I knew was the other god that was trying to hurt me.

We hurried to a community of people that lived in a large area underneath the wooden building that we were just in. Entering the place with my companion we realized that there was a stand giving out clothing that all looked the same; sari-like garments with a deep, rich teal color and bright orange to contrast. I exchanged my clothes for those garments as well as my companion.

When we finished changing guards entered the area searching for us. The guards were all male, swords at hand but they were very Indian looking. Dark tanned skin with faded white turbans wrapped around their heads. They had dark eyes with black sticking out the turbans matching the same black hair as mustaches under the pointed noses. Their outfit reminded of a generals with the top a pale, faded teal color with various gold medals pinned on and white pants. In my mind I knew these guards were of a higher status than a normal guard or soldier.

My companion grabbed my wrist as I started to panic when they moved closer to us within the crowd of people. "We'll split up. When you get a chance run far from here," she soothed, staring straight into my eyes before letting go and running through the crowd to blend in. Alone, I had no choice but to follow her advice. I pulled the veil that was on my head close to my face to cover my identity and fell into the crowd until I was able to escape from the area. As I was escaping I thought back at the water god, wandering if he was all right.

It blurs here and...

I was at Petsmart or some type of pet store with my current roommate Stephanie to help her find a betta fish since her plant was finally growing enough to put it in a flower vase. I had met up with and she had asked me to come. Wandering around the allies of aquariums, I finally told Stephanie that I would wait outside for her after she had chosen which the few she wanted. She answered back with an "okay" and I casually strolled outside. I then noticed I was wearing a t-shirt and some jeans with the hems worn out from wear.

Outside, the pet store seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. The environment had a red feel to it, I could see red rock mountains and the area was like the Arizona desert. It was all dirt with dried out scrubs and groups of cacti. The parking lot was near empty other than a few cars like Stephanie's vehicle. There was a black truck surrounded by three friends of mine; Kaitlyn, Martika, and Andrea.

Instantly I headed over to the group smiling in greetings, all of us began conversating when a lady came over. She was paled skin, like mine, with wavy, dirt blonde hair pulled into a low pony tail. Her eyes were green if I remember correctly, and her outfit that of a forest ranger's. She started scolding us, telling us we aren't suppose to be standing on the tar. She stepped away after Andrea and I climbed on to the back of the truck not wanting to get in trouble. Kaitlyn followed but Martika stood there with her hands on her hips. She looked irritated before exclaiming right as that ranger women returned standing behind Martika. Martika didn't notice and she started venting, "Who does that bitch think she is? Not standing on the tar?"

"Excuse me?!" the lady screeched her hands instantly going to her hips, eyes narrowed.

Martika turned but backed up her statement not taking back anything. "You heard me. It's ridiculous." Martika got in the woman's face glaring as the woman glared back. I uneasily turned to glance at Kaitlyn who looked just as uneasy. I felt like in any minute Martika was going to lose it and the Spanish would rolling off her tongue like she normally did when angered.

All of a sudden something caught my eye and I looked up to look in the distance to see a group of people dressed in black and something like kunai weapons in their hands slowly advancing, surrounding us in a curved line. I paniced at the sight and exclaimed, "Get out of here!" Everyone looked up and saw the approaching force instantly everyone scattered. But Kaitlyn, Martika and Andrea ran in the same direction making the force jump into action moving in their direction. I didn't move for some odd reason but seeing an opening I dashed forward, jumping down off the truck and head out to the what seemed-like the endless desert as fast as I could, dodging the bushes and cacti.

Seeing that I got out of their net, one of the soldiers went to the leader questioning if they should chase me down but the leader shook his head answering, " No. We'll eventually catch us with her."

After running for some time toward the red rock/mountain structure I found myself in a some canyon like area but a large stream ran through with a thick forest surrounding the stream, but the trees weren't as high as the the rock wall on the left side of me as I walked with the stream catching my breath. In my mind I knew that there were people in the forest looking for me like in all the places I've been. I felt like an animal being hunted, and I had a sudden thought, "If they are going to hunt me like an animal, I'm going to act like one." Hearing people approaching I paniced and instantly searched for a hiding spot. There seemed to be a "tunnel" on the other side of the stream with vines covering most of the whole. If I wasn't looking for somewhere to hide I would have missed it completely.

Jumping on the rocks the crossed the stream, and got to my knee not caring about the mud getting on the jeans where my knees were. Brushing the vines aside I crawled in the some tunnel. Inside there was some long grass that had been bent down from constant usage, I had to stay bent because I would hit the "roof" of branches so I moved myself completely inside having plenty of room and laid on my side comfortably in the grass. I could hear voices finally in hearing distance, three men I believe conversating.

"Do you think she's still in the forest?"

"Of course, she had to come through this place. She won't be able to hide forever, and we'll get her."

One of the men stepped close to my hiding spot, and I held my breath. For a minute I thought he was going to look down and see the entrance but then he kept moving. The voices faded away but I didn't feel safe leaving. Though I worried what made the tunnel, and if it would come back I was exhausted. I had been running for a long time, and I needed rest. Slowly I closed my eyes and feel asleep.

I woke up, slowly having everything return to me. I felt so alone and unsure of what to do. I knew I had to get out of here but I had I thought that maybe I should stay in the forest until they left thinking I moved on. Hungry and wanting to explore to understand the area better left my safe haven and wandered around cautiously. After awhile hearing someone I ducked into a small tree bush with one side of the tree growing by a huge bolder so I couldn't get sneaked up from behind. The leaves were something like pine tree needles but they grew to a yellow color near the tips. Listening I heard one man's voice trying to keep my self hidden.

"Those stupid idiots couldn't find anything if they wanted," he growled very irritated. His eyes looked around with a brown, bloodhound strolling next to him. But the bloodhound didn't seem to be working just strolling around with his master. Peering out a little to see him better, I felt my heart jump after I saw him better. Somehow I knew he was a specialized tracker. Just as that thought finished he turned and saw me.

"YOU!" He yelled as I bolted out of my hiding spot running for my life.

Jumping over rocks and running in the stream I kept going, kept running despite loosing the tracker for the time being. But I reached at the end of the stream. I stood on the dam edge looking down the dam to just see a pool of turquoise water. I couldn't see the bottom and the water looked one color other than the white bubbles from where the water poured. Not wanting to be caught I jumped and landed in the water.

It felt like I was sucked into an under current. I kicked to break the surface so I could get air, and finally I did. Gasping for air I looked around quietly and found myself inside a old, stone maze. There was water everywhere pouring out into the pool I was in. The stone walls reminded me of sandstone with very little decoration. Seeing that it was something like a maze, I could either go right or left. At the moment I just wanted to get out of the water and get as far ahead of the others if they even considered me jumping off the dam. I decided to go right and there were stones that if I climbed on that would get me onto the main stone level. With difficulty I got up, and observed around.

Instead of a maze like I originated thought, I concluded that it was an elaborate temple. Walking slowly, peering around the corner before turning I continued walking. As I continued moving forward windows starting appearing in the structure. I could see long green grass with little purple, and pink flowers growing within them with the blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Eager to be outside I hurried to get out of the temple. When I neared the exit I could hear a group of people heading towards me. I saw a stone ledge hanging above the entrance and climbed up there as fast as I could laying on it.

The group of people who had entered seemed to the civilians that used the temple. Women wore light, tan clothes to cover their chests with grass like skirts with various shells and fangs from an animal as accessories while the men were shirtless, carrying spears and grass like bottoms as well. They took no notice of me as they kneeled down, doing some type of prayer. I didn't pay attention, just hoping that they wouldn't see me. When the stood up, they started to leave but one female looked up and eyes widen as she saw me. Yelling in her language, she pointed up at me.

Next happen so fast I didn't know what happened. I was grabbed by ankles and wrists and was thrown into a meadow. But the meadow had sections of flower color. I landed in the light blue ones with a purple tint. I grunted in pain, rolling slightly from the landing and laid there. Suddenly elephants emitted from the flowers all one color marching right over to me. One that as matching the flower color I landed in, picked me up by the neck squeezing. I gasped for air managing the words, "You can't hurt me... There was a promise."

At the words, the elephant dropped me back on the ground as I gasped for air. The phrase that escaped from my lips made me remember of a memory of being with that water god and an elephant. He told me that the elephant would never hurt me but protect me as well. As the memory faded I looked up, a hand holding my throat I saw the elephants disappear back into the flowers with the civilians in awe of what just happened.

They kept me around, letting me wander the temple but I knew I need to get out of here and keep moving before the people chasing me caught up. A group of younger adults, teenagers, were throwing water balloons but I stopped two females. Both of them were young, opened eyed with their hair short but brightly colored. I can remember one having a bright orange hair. I asked for their help and they eagerly agreed.

They led me out of the temple to another type of dam. But this one was at least a hundred feet tall. A male person with long, pale tan hair was there and he was a traveler. Apparently I was going to travel with him, but at the moment we were stuck as to how to get down without getting hurt. Our section of the dam was like an arm off the actual main structure started to slowly sink. One of the girls had left but the other lifted a large cart that was dark green with holes in them. "We catch crab with these," she explained, though I didn't understand since the cart was huge. She tossed it over the side mentioning something like using them to float down the river.

"That won't work," the traveler had said bending down to look over the edge. The structure we stood at was still slowly sinking, and the girl kept throwing carts down. I decided to look down at the water and it was the same turquoise color as the water in the temple but I could see through this one. I could see the white sand at the bottom with dark green spots were groups of plant life grew but I saw silhouette of something large swimming by really fast.

When the structure lowered to about sixty feet I could clearly see what was swimming in the water which made me stomach turn with fear. They were large amphibian creatures covered in dark green scales with legs, and arms, a long mermaid like tail behind them. There toes and fingers were webbed, eyes lizard like but yellow and they held long trident spears. But what really scared me were their teeth. Long, razor sharp teeth that looked like they would rip me to shreds.

All of a sudden the male traveler jumped off the structure into the water. I gasped, eyes wide not believing what he did. Didn't he see what laid under the water? "What do you think you are doing?" I yelled down. After the words escaped my mouth the structure collapsed. I screamed as I fell face forward towards the water, stomach turning at the fall and fear taking over knowing what laid underneath the water. I knew I was going to die by the hands of these creatures.

Hitting the water is when the panic set in. I was thrown in circles underwater from my impact and from the structure collapsing. Bubbles clouded my vision as I spun slowly stopping. I saw one of the creatures swimming towards me, and I knew I couldn't get away. as it neared there was suddenly a blue circle around me, like a bubble, and I was gathered into a pair of waters. I looked up and recognized the owner as the water god that was my friend, my protector. "You..."

He ignored me, his eyes focusing in a narrow glare toward the creatures floating there, hissing, and baring their teeth. "If you know what's best you won't touch this girl." He threatened towards them before they reluctantly swam around them almost ignoring them. It was after that he looked down at me before surprising me with an embrace.

"I've been looking for you for weeks. Through the waters in hopes you would come in touch with the waters soon," he spoke gently.

As I let him hug me, I held on to him still frightened at the fact that I had almost died. It was hard for me to understand that it had been weeks when it felt like it only had been two days. And in my mind I finally realized that this water reminded me of the Greek God Poseidon though it couldn't be him...

Then my alarm went off waking me up. I think this is one of my most longest dreams that I have remembered.

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