Monday, July 29, 2013

Still As Water

The first thing I noticed when I see him is how beautiful he is; far more than when I met him as a child. He stands like a porcelain doll. It's been so long since we've met, Kuval.

I peered nervously up at my father but he doesn't spare a glance down at me instead he is focused intently on a young teenage male near the fireplace. The teenager rises from his seat as we approach, and the teenager gives a bow towards my father in recognition. "Kuval, this is my daughter."

Kuval straightens before shifting his gaze towards me and gives a very gentle, bright smile. I couldn't help but gaze at him in dumbfounded wonder. He was incredibly beautiful but what drew more of my attention were his clothes. They were strange, unusual, and foreign. His attire consisted of multiple layers of clothing that was long, and flowed along with his movements. Vibrant hues of blues, purples, and pinks dyed the clothing along with elaborate embroidery covered the pieces of cloth with decorations of a different style that I have ever seen; none of my family members ever had something like he wore. Pitch black locks covered the top of his head and fell down to his shoulders like silk contrasted against his pale, alabaster skin. "Please to meet you," he holds out his hand, waiting patiently.

Slowly I raise my hand and allow his to take it. His touch is gentle and even gentler when his lips brush against the top of my knuckles. I meet his dark azure eyes; they shine like jewels and are deep as the sea. 

"It's been awhile," he speaks addressing me with my very first name. If possible he grew even more beautiful than I remembered from our first meeting in our youth. His silk hair grew out longer cascading down his back as a black waterfall only half pulled up. His style of clothing didn't change over the centuries, merely bigger to fit his larger form. But now I can recognize the origin of his clothing, Asian specifically Korean related. "I wondered why you hadn't greeted me when you took up your position, but," he tilts his head slightly entirely focusing his gaze on me with such intensity it begins to balance on the line of uncomfortable. "It would make sense if you don't remember anything let alone myself."

I nod unconsciously at his statement. "Yes, I can only recall little." I can only confirm his statements. In my chest I can feel a small hole as if something is missing. And I know that the missing piece is Kuval's friendship that had grown over the years.

Cautiously I begin to address a topic knowing it will be sensitive. I'm always amazed at how much bolder and forth coming I am when present in this scape. "I hope... that we can rebuild that friendship we use to have." Instantly I can see his eyes harden with a steely appearance when then sentence processes.

Silence fills the space in between us before with a elegant sweeping motion, his back is turned towards me and leaves without another word.

I knew this was not going to end well, I know he's upset. He has every right to be upset with me and I can not blame him for anything. I broke his heart when I choose Taran and turned down the arranged marriage. In his eyes, I'm sure he sees this as a betrayal. I want to fix things between us after all these centuries but I will never regret my choice.

I fell in love. It just so happens that it wasn't with you, my friend.

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