Monday, July 22, 2013

The Sky Was Red

The blades of grass are tall brushing against my shins and a line of trees are seen in the background. The sky is bright with intense hue of reds, pinks, and a hint of purple mixing with the clouds present and coloring the world beneath such as the trees, the grass, everywhere it could touch. This type of sunset reminds me of the desert setting that I'm so familiar with. It's a bit strange though, when I enter this scape the moon is always out with the stars not the sun.

He's here, beginning to walk circles around me. I'm starting to get the point wondering if all supernatural entities have a thing about walking around in circles when first meeting someone. My first task to complete is to see what he looks like and as per usual the his appearance comes rather smoothy but it's the attire that gives me trouble. He stands tall, a few feet above me, with broad shoulders and muscular stature. Wave of light red short locks, however, there was a small bundle of hair wrapped into a pony tail at the nape of his neck. Spots of freckles covered the tops of his cheeks and a few on the bridge of his nose. His eyes are stilled, and in focus; the colors changed from green to blue before settling to a vivid apple green. A red band wrapped around his forehead underneath his bangs, something that the Disney's Hercules wore. In his right ear are two gold earrings, tiny hoops and a matching gold torc around his neck. Around one of his arms is a black tattoo spiraling around his arm until it reached near his elbow.  His attire that I settled on was sleeveless, red-orange shirt and dark jeans, which threw me off. I wasn't expecting jeans. He seemed to approve with what I saw, finally stopping his circling.

He wants me to follow him, and he's off in a sprint before I say anything.

My muscles tense wanting to run after, but my mind fights the natural urge. I can hear his voice in my head with an order. Run. Every fiber of my being screams for me to run, to listen, but I still resist. "I am not running. Last time I ran after Azrael I fell and hurt myself," I informed walking through the tall grass until I'm back at my starting point of my trail. I see the willow tree standing next to the dirt trail that leads into the thick forest and he standing at the beginning of the trail. His arms are crossed firmly over his chest; his expression is not pleased but he is also not angry.

"What do you know?" He asks bluntly, wanting to know where I stand with the situation.

"I know that I'm suppose to remember my memories before the summer is over," I answer recalling my realization when I was with Azrael. "I've only remembered about four or five memories, short glimpses for the most part."

Uriel remains quiet for a moment before reaching a hand out and touches my forehead. I feel like I'm suppose to fall back, recall something. My mind goes blank in order to receive, however, there is nothing but darkness. Nothing stirs, nothing rises from the darkness. I'm not sure how long I'm in the darkness but I finally open my eyes when I feel Uriel withdraw his hand from my forehead. His eyes are narrowed, concentrated, and he cocks his head to the side ever so slightly. He's not curious but interested. Something's not right, I don't know what's going on, but we're done talking for tonight.

That doesn't mean the night is over. I'm unsure of how many times I've stirred awake before slipping back unconscious. Every time I stir I can hear male voices trying to talk to me, majority of the time the voices are not the same when I wake up. I feel like they're trying to tell me something important but I can't hear them clearly. I do hear Raphael's name a few times, making me think that he's present when I stir but that doesn't make sense. Uriel is here, not Raphael.

My dreams are random, some have slipped away into oblivion unable to recall. Some of the images I can remember are disturbing, unrealistic, and not logical. One moment shopping in California with my friends, then another seeing a watery grave of young children staring up through the water's surface all killed by one man.

Finally I wake up for the final time.

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