Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Two Dreams

It's been awhile since I recorded any dreams. I had two dreams that I could recall, however, I can only remember pieces of each dream.

The ocean is clear turquoise revealing the white sand that lies at the bottom. There are no fish to be seen, just a young pre-teen standing on a small island of white sand. A single palm tree stands next to her, covering her partially with shade. Curly blond locks are released from their ribbon bond with the next gust of wind, but she doesn't even react. Her eyes are locked on in the distance, watching.

I don't know who she is, I just watch her from a distance. I do know that she is an important person in her community. I do know she is standing guard to allow her family and friends continue their retreat from who ever is tracking them down. Being caught was not an option, and I knew that this girl was going to make sure of it.

Finally she moves. She wades into deeper water before diving down into the depths. I see her figure underneath the clear water, heading in the direction of her enemy without hesitation.

How could someone so young hold so much responsibility? Someone this young willing to toss away her life in order to let everyone else live? How can people make these choices, let alone someone who has barely experienced life?

  The setting is like a huge water amusement part all connected in one pooling area. The surrounding walls are tall, book shelves that reach the ceiling that towers feet above and are filled with countless old books. Also, parts of the pool's were packed with ice, creating walls to make rooms of ice.

I knew the people around me but at the same time didn't. They looked so familiar and treated me as if I was one of them, however, it didn't feel right. After they slipped into a deep conversation, I glided away swimming towards the blocks, and walls of ice. Eventually I hoisted myself out of the water onto a solid floor of ice.

Despite being bare feet, the cold surface didn't phase me. I slowly walked into one of the icy rooms and found myself staring at a certain wall in the back. It had carvings sculptured and scratched out of the surface creating icons; specifically Christian icons. Instantly I found a scratched images of Mother Mary that I often see worn on necklaces. I reached out and touched the surface of the image before shifting my eyes to the 3-dimensional works. All of them were cherubs, sculpted into the wall without effort and looked unbelievably realistic. It felt like their eyes were on me, watching me. However there were no smiles on their faces, just watching with indifference.

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