Thursday, June 27, 2013

No Stronger Bond

"Ancient lovers never forget the echo of each other's hearts. An ocean of lifetimes may pass but still, in the end, your heart will guide you home."
- Unknown

I feel comfort from him the instant I lay down on the couch. He's sitting on the ground, not saying anything. His arm is draped over the curve of my waist, resting against my back having his fingers curling around my locks. This is the first interaction we've had since our heated argument last night. I wanted to shy away from his touch, not quite ready to deal with this yet. I was still upset from the argument with everyone, he was no exception. However, I just gave up trying to hide from his touch and let him do what he wanted.

We just sat there silently for a minutes, the TV playing in the background as background noise. The longer I focused on Taran the more the frustration, and irritation died away piece by piece that had built up over all these hours. Just his fingers playing with my hair.

Before I could ask anything, he spoke as if he knew what I was going to question. "Our bond."

"Our bond?" I repeated almost skeptical.

 I felt him lean closer to me, pausing his finger movements. "Obviously you know that we're connect by this point." I gave a tiny nod before he continued. "It's why you're feeling so terrible. It's why you don't feel right."

"Really?" Some disbelief laced in my tone, but something tugged at the back of my mind that there was truth ringing in his words. "Then what about before I knew you were always around?"

"It was always there," he reassured, a smile tugging at his lips. "We never argued before either. The more we began to interact with each other the stronger that bond had grown. Two years of interacting can do a lot."

"So the stress came from not speaking and ignoring?"

Taran lightly tugged at my hair again. "Essentially."

I sighed before he leaned over so more, feeling his lips brushing over my forehead as if they're barely touching. "I'm sorry Taran..."

"It's fine." He accepted my apology, murmuring my very first name I was ever given. "We all knew you would react in some similar way you did. We know you are upset, just bare with us."

I'm still upset about not being told what is going on. I can feel true worry dripping from some that just puts more urgency to understand what's happening or what is going to happen. I don't know, everyone else does, and won't tell me. All I can do is wait much to my dismay, and try to understand why they aren't saying anything.

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