Friday, August 24, 2012


I did the "yes" board for the first time since arriving back in Japan. I also finally got candles to preform the "yes" board, the Crystal Magic Shop in my town is wonderful. I bought 15 small candles for basically $3. It's an amazing deal that never changes.

The only thing about the "Yes" board this session was I preformed it when I was tired. I kept making mistakes in setting up and any questions I had were out the window. But I did manage a few. I learned that my roommate has three entities that follow her; an angel (guardian angel obviously), and two ghosts which I am going to assume are family members. I wondered if I will catch "glances" of them when she arrives tomorrow.

But I am proud of one thing in this session. A ghost actually popped by out of curiosity and took over the "Yes" board briefly. I was asking basic question to figure out a little about him. But I was able to learn his name by listening. Since the "Yes" board is used for only yes or no questions, I asked him if he could tell me his name and I could try listening. I got the name David repeating in my head, and I ask if his name was David. I got a positive answer and the crystal started to spin with much more energy, he seemed really pleased that I was able to get his name too.

I feel a bit satisfied that my hearing may be getting better.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Realization with Taran

This is just a realization that I'm surprise it took this long for me to realize it.

In the beginning when I was still unsure of who Taran was really, I tried channeling him twice and on the second night he decided to channel through Mi and establish some of the information the others were looking for. But he also stated quite firmly that he wouldn't channel through me unless he absolutely needed to. At the time though, and still now probably, I'm pretty "closed."

Another thing I've realized though he probably doesn't want to channel through me because of what he doesn't want me to know yet. When Taran practice channeling through Siusan, she mentioned that he doesn't really know how to guard his thoughts from her hearing/feeling them. That's probably the reason why he refuses to channel through me, because there is information that he needs to talk to me about and probably wants to actually talk to me about instead of me finding out through channeling. It suddenly makes a lot of sense. (And probably the other fact that I still probably can't do it)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Another Entity?

I guess I should mention before I get more into this post that during my study abroad time in Japan I met some people who helped one the door a bit wider. My awareness of the supernatural has increased but I'm no where near where I want to be. I have lots to learn but like how many say, the more you open the door the more you are exposed to dangers. Well, lately I can definitely agree to this about getting more attention.

Last night something happened. I am still unsure if it was all in my head as part of a dream because I was so exhausted from my trip back home from Japan or if it was truly supernatural. But I had stirred sometime in the middle of the night and I felt pressure on the corner of the bed as if someone was getting on, I recall watching the fluff of the comforter press down if there was pressure but nothing was there to be seen. Then there was pressure on my right thigh and that's when I panicked quite a bit. I felt like something was starting to crawl over me, and I can't recall an exchanging of words but I think it was trying to "claim me" to which I responded that I was not his to take because I all ready belonged to Taran.

After saying that, the pressure instantly disappeared. But that's when I definitely knew that I slipped into unconsciousness because I began moving around in the house but I felt a pressure in the back of my mind like the entity was still persisting after me. It got to the point I started throwing punches and kicks in certain directions to get whatever was following me away but I couldn't see anything of course and yelling to stop it.

That's when I actually stirred away, my heart beating quite fast. The first image that came to my mind when I woke up was that Taran was holding me close as if protecting me. I began to calm down and after convincing myself that everything would be okay and that I have Taran and Carwyn here to look after me as I sleep I was able to slip back to sleep.

Like I stated before I'm not sure if that was merely just part of my dream or a mixture of contact and dreaming. I honestly hope that it is the first choice because I don't want to deal with something trying to "claim me" for whatever reason.