Friday, August 24, 2012


I did the "yes" board for the first time since arriving back in Japan. I also finally got candles to preform the "yes" board, the Crystal Magic Shop in my town is wonderful. I bought 15 small candles for basically $3. It's an amazing deal that never changes.

The only thing about the "Yes" board this session was I preformed it when I was tired. I kept making mistakes in setting up and any questions I had were out the window. But I did manage a few. I learned that my roommate has three entities that follow her; an angel (guardian angel obviously), and two ghosts which I am going to assume are family members. I wondered if I will catch "glances" of them when she arrives tomorrow.

But I am proud of one thing in this session. A ghost actually popped by out of curiosity and took over the "Yes" board briefly. I was asking basic question to figure out a little about him. But I was able to learn his name by listening. Since the "Yes" board is used for only yes or no questions, I asked him if he could tell me his name and I could try listening. I got the name David repeating in my head, and I ask if his name was David. I got a positive answer and the crystal started to spin with much more energy, he seemed really pleased that I was able to get his name too.

I feel a bit satisfied that my hearing may be getting better.

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