Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A fierce storm

I know I had a rather long and complex dream, but I can only remember a certain part of the dream. First I was walking back to the apartment area with a friend, I had glanced up at the darkening sky to see the grey clouds moving fast and there there were two moons about to overlap each other. One was a crescent moon while the other was a quarter moon, but one of them started turning red. I was so surprised to see two moons, but to see one start turning into a different color was certainly something. I had nudged my friend about it but she didn't seem to really care.

Wanting to see a better view I went to the roof. The apartment area is set up similar to where I live now with the apartment buildings set up in a square with a grass field in the middle. On the roof there were tons of people that I didn't know to watch the sky. The sky was now covered with thick, grey clouds with tints of the color red touching the horizon, lining the clouds with a rusty color. But everyone wanted to see the lightning. I ended up finding another friend, Patty, and we watched as lightning crackled through the sky. This lightning storm is something I've never seen outside of my dream. The streak of lightning had so many branches that it resembled at tree. It was powerful, even in my dream I could feel the power drumming into my consciousness.

When I had woken up I decided to look up the meaning of lightning in my dream dictionary; The Dream Dictionary From A to Z by Theresa Cheung. The entry on lightning says; "...Because lightning has long been considered a symbol of communication between the world of the gods and that of human beings, if lightning appears this suggests intuition, inspiration, and the sudden awakening of psychic powers. In general, lightning indicates unexpected or sudden changes that are about to take place. These changes may be about your routine or the way you think. Lightning can also indicate a discharge of tension, or a necessary but destructive act on your part in order to make progress. Spiritually, lightning can denote sudden enlightenment or personal growth.

I wonder which meaning it holds for me.

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