Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's All About the Chase

"Get down from there."

I shake my head defiantly towards the figure below, and reach up for another branch within my willow tree I envisioned only yesterday. "I don't think so." The glorious part about not physically being in this realm is that I can do things I normally can't. Grasping a branch I haul myself up with ease as Taran climbs onto the lowest branch, looking up at me all ready climbing higher into the tree.

"Your going to run out of branches sooner or later," he comments the obvious. The down fall of my willow tree is it's not as tall as the variety of tree life surrounding it. He stays squatting on the lowest branch with a frown. "Am I going to have to climb up to get you?"

Reaching the highest branch that I could without it breaking, I straddle it peering down through the maze of branches and leaves with a smile. "Your going to have to since I'm not going to focus on meditating on the wedding like I'm suppose to."

Taran returns to the ground without effort. Crossing his arms and resting his chin on top of them, he places them on the limb he was just on, staring upwards. "Just come down."

Feeling high and mighty, I shrug off his statement. "I don't want to."

He does a mixture of a groan and a sigh, burying his face into his arms. "You are just as difficult as before."

Curious to hear the comment on my first lifetime, I couldn't help but ask. "Was I?"

Hearing my question, he lifts his head again. "Yes. You were just more..." he strays off trying to find the right phrase. "...elegant with your words."

That would make sense. My first life involved lots of proper behavior, however, I do know I did not let any of that bound me also knew that my temper was fiercer than it is now. "How about this?" I start catching his attention. "You tell me something about my past that I don't know in order to make up for not focusing on my sister-in-law's wedding."

Taran considers my offer for a moment before agreeing. But despite the agreement, he remains silent. His face scrunch up in hard thought. I honestly didn't think that he would have a hard time thinking up something from our past to reveal. Finally he spoke with frustration laced in his tone. "I don't know. You liked to climb trees?"

I sent him a skeptical look. "I all ready knew that, after all, look where I am now." Shifting a little bit, I start swinging my legs that hover over nothing. "Honestly you can't think of anything?" I mule over the little past I knew between the two of us. "How about a favorite place we would go?"

If possible his face expresses him going deeper into thought.

"We did have one... right?" Doesn't every couple have one? Movies and books always have a special place that couples had, people spoke of stories, wouldn't it be natural? I try recalling myself. A lot of my memories with Taran are in my castle as a setting, however there was one other...

"That rock formation..." I start and Taran looks up.

"From your past memory?" He question wanting clarification. I nod but he shakes his head. "That's from your second life."

"That explains the curls I see."

"Oh yeah." he comments under his breath, a tone of remembrance.

I think again before another scene flickers in my mind. The meadow within the forest. 'How Twilight that sounds...' I couldn't help but think. However, this place was far more beautiful. "The meadow..."

Taran instantly nods at my suggestion. "Yes, that was definitely the place. That's why it was the first scenery you thought when you began seeing us, why this is the scenery of your soul chamber."

Unconsciously I nod to his explanation, still swinging my legs. That made a lot of sense, not quite sure why that place was so special yet. But eventually I'm sure I would learn by the end of the summer if everything goes as planned.

"Are you coming down now?"

In response I lay down along the branch. "I said I would, just not when." He growls in slight frustration, making me smile. "You don't like climbing tress do you?"

He begrudgingly answers. "No.

"Aw, your so much like a dog." I couldn't help tease, I hardly ever in a position to exercise this power. Despite my tease I slowly made my way down towards the ground. I watch him straighten his posture, no longer leaning against the branch with crossed arms. Finally I reach the branch I began with, I sit down with my legs hanging over the edge not making another further method to touch the ground. Taran moves to stand in front of me, his muscled arms planted on either side me on the bark.

I cock a brow, silently indicating what he was going to do now.

"Why are you always difficult?"

I stare at him. "Seriously? Why are you always difficult?"

We batter back and forth until I get fed up with it. I move to reach up for the branch above to retreat back into the leaves however I'm not quick enough. He grabs a hold of my waist and yanks me down and away from the tree entirely. With a small scream I wrap my arms around the closest thing, which happens to be his neck as he holds me in his arms all ready retreating outside the veil of leaves from the willow.

"What are you doing!?" I snap but in complete surprise. "What if I hit the tree or gotten hurt because you yanked me down? Just like how I got a bloody nose that one you hit me on the head?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "I would apologize for hurting you."

I would have yelled at him a little more, however, I remember our position. Feeling the sudden urgency to remove myself from his arms before a certain predicament occurs, I start to struggle in his arms. As if he had read his mind, I didn't struggle for long feeling him reach behind my head to hold it as he moved his nose into my hair and inhaled deeply. Reflexively my nails dig into his skin and I curl inwards towards myself with a some whimper. Physically or not, I hate when he does that.

"Your such a dog!" I huff out after the onslaught is finished. I find myself being placed on a smooth, large rock as he lowers himself to the ground. I can't help but think how natural he looks being in nature. His clothes are far from nice but still suit him despite all of that.

He doesn't comment at my insult/truth but takes my hand. He lifts my hand up turning it so my palm is facing upwards. He leans forward and kisses lightly the palm of my hand, his golden eyes staring straight at me. Except his eyes are focused, intense just like a predator focused on its prey. I could feel my heart skip and my cheeks flush slightly at the look. Instantly I get to my feet and try walking a way a little but his grip tightens preventing me from walking to far. "You know you can't resist me," he comments. I'm alittle more aware of just how deep his voice is naturally.

"Yes I can," I refute instantly ignore my flushed cheeks and hold my head a little higher in a challenge.

He grins but it's wolfish just revealing how non-human he is. "Yes. You can throw all things you want at me, or yell at me but in the end you always give up."

"And if I keep resisting?" I challenge further as if my pride is being threatened.

"It's all about the chase babe."

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