Friday, June 14, 2013

The Swing On The Top of the Hill

There is a swing on the top of a hill.

The tree is full of lush apple green leaves, and the bark is faded out brown, almost white. Hanging on the lowest branch was a pair of ropes and at the ends they were tied to a flat, worn wooden plank. I move to sit on the swing holding onto the ropes with each hand, feeling the rough texture. I dig my toes into the soft grass beneath and look out at the scenery, taking in the familiarity.

I've been here before.

My preteen self hold onto the ropes tighter feeling the swing push forward and could feel Gaerwn's presence behind me. His feet are planted firmly on the wooden plank on either side of me, his hands gripping the ropes as well but much higher and tower over me slightly.  "Why are you always alone?"

I glare up at my older brother. "I am not always alone."

"Yes, you are."

"No, Carwyn is always with me!" I argue back wanting him to get off my swing. He was going to get mud on my white dress.

Gaerwn's eyebrow rose. "I don't see him now."

This time I remain silent and glance to the ground, my toes barely brushing against the grass blades on the ground. Lately Carwyn has been away from her side, busy with his studies with the teacher leaving me with nothing to do. I don't have any friends, but I don't need any. I only need my siblings, I only need Carwyn.

I hear a sigh and the swing jerks again. Gaerwn steps off the swing and he walks around until he is standing in front of me. His golden hair is getting longer. Finally long enough to pull the locks into a low pong tail against the nap of his neck. "You know mom and dad are worried about you."

This time I duck my head, avoiding Gaerwn's sharp cerulean gaze. I could feel some shame and guilt fill in my chest. I would never want my parents to worry especially mother. I hear another sigh and feel Gaerwn's arms wrap around my shoulders. He kisses my forehead before pulling me closer to rest my head against his chest.

I stand and start walking down the hill towards the forest the lingers at the bottom. Before I get to far, I pause and glance over my shoulder to gaze at the swing. I could my younger self from another lifetime sitting there with Gaerwn. In the mythology, my first life self was described as an icy queen but after remembering this I wonder if there really is some truth to it.

I reach the edge of the forest knowing I have to enter it to find Azrael. However this time, no running. Before I begin my venture in, I pause at a willow tree that marked the trail that led into the forest. Slowly I step towards the tree, lifting a hand and pull away a curtain of leaves to enter the little bubble space that the tree created with its long, dipping branches.

As if on instinct I walk towards the trunk and begin climbing onto one of the thick branches that would hold my weight and the closest one to the ground. The textured bark feels good underneath my fingers and palms of my hands. I always love climbing trees, I wish there were more great, old trees to climb and rest in in the reality. Finally securely on a branch, I lay along it my body molding with it in order to keep balance, my eyes focused on the tips of the branches that sprouted at the end of the one I was laying on. Until I see Azrael land on the same branch, crouching.

The branch doesn't even bend or creak under his weight. Everything about his was the same even the wings in which I end up staring at again. He gives a curious look, and I shake my head as I pull myself up into a sitting position. "Your wings are distracting..." Azrael smiles but doesn't comment.

He cocks his head, dark eyes glancing around the willow tree in wonder before he met my eyes again. "Why a willow tree?"

Out of second nature I shrug but I do take time to dwell on his question. Lifting my gaze I take in all the numerous branches above me, all the leaves keeping most of the sunlight out and creating shade. "I've always liked willow trees. They always feel protective with their dipping branches, keeping everything out."

I lower my gaze, and I see an approving grin. "You aren't going to tell me anything."

"No," he answers with a shake of his head.

"Because I'm suppose to figure everything myself."

"Correct, I'm only here to guide."

I stare at him long before something clicks in my mind. "I need to find my soul, I need to find my first life and remember everything before I go to Wales."

The smile gives away his answer before he even speaks. I aimed, fired and hit a bull's eye. He can't tell me anything because there is nothing for him to tell. Where I find him is probably where my soul is located, where ever that may be. But this only leads to more confusing questions; why do I need to remember everything before I go to Wales? Why did he come to help reveal all this instead of someone else? Why is this so important? I want to ask all these question but I all ready know he won't answer any of them.

"I knew you were a smart girl," he compliments but I raise my eyebrows.


He laughs lightly. "I'm sorry, smart young woman."

I silently accept his correction. "You'll guide me through different memories until I remember everything," I concluded out loud and he nods, agreeing.

I can all ready see where the next memory is to take place in the back of my mind. A castle with a celebration going on. Tieve's wedding day.

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