Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Reality of Things

I'm not even sure what had happened; suddenly my eyes were open to the darkness of the early morning and my heart racing as if I had been running a marathon. My stomach is twisting and turning, heavy, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. The room is empty. I don't feel his presence that is always next to me when I sleep, or anyone else's for that matter making my heart skip a beat of panic. Something is not right, something hasn't been right since my last text to her.

Immediately I stick my hand underneath the fort of pillows, searching for my phone. Once found, there still is no response but I sent another one checking if she is all right. Focusing on typing my message calms the anxiety only for a moment.

I reach out, calling for Taran. Where is he, why isn't here by my side that he so rarely leaves? I feel his reach in return but something is off. It feels distracted and rushed, he's busy with something and I don't know what. Automatically I reach out to the next individual to speak to when Taran is busy, however, I get the same result with Carwyn. My stomach twists some more, this never happens.

My ringtone goes off, and I feel relief that she is still awake. A relief to hear the she's doing better but despite my want to not tell her what's going on, I do. I could hear the words I always give to her; words of encouragement to contact me if something's wrong no matter how late at night. I'm scared, anxious, and something is going on. The only reason Taran and Carwyn would be busy is if someone was here, that's how it usually is. I need find something to hold onto, keep me steady while this is happening and she's always provided the feeling of comfort and safe.

Not wanting to be alone I call for Pedran hoping he would hear my calls despite being away. For a moment I'm just lying in the dark; images of tall, lanky creatures with to many joints reaching out for me with sharp, talon hands shredding the bed covers in the process pressing into my mind. Then the images stop when I feel Pedran arrive, I could sense confusion from him from the moment he entered and he is not alone. Gwilyn followed.

I can only explain that something's wrong before I feel the immediate shift of mood. Pedran moves to sit next to me, and instinctively I curl up next to him, head in his lap while clutching my phone in hand waiting for the next message to arrive. The room doesn't feel empty any more. Pedran's fingers run through my locks, murmuring comforting words that everything will be fine. "When you wake up, he'll be beside you again," he smooths. Gwilyn silently shifts to reside the unoccupied space next to me, letting Pedran to do the comforting.

I finally feel myself drifting, sleep reaching for me once again.

I end my conversation with her for the night, slipping my phone back underneath the pillows. I don't feel so anxious after talking to her and with Pedran's comfort. The image of jade green dragon curled around me, snarling protectively at anything that got close was the last thing I saw.


The first sight I was greeted by when the morning came was indeed Taran, however, that did not stop the sudden horror of realizing he had gone through a fight. His hair and clothes disheveled with cuts a bruises on his face and arms. As if he ignored my reaction, he gave a small smile. He wasn't the only one in this state, Carwyn looked similar as did a few others.

I was right. Something was wrong and out of place. However, I was more upset at the fact that I didn't know what had happened, what was going on, and worried about the condition my family, friends, and love were in.

Fifteen entities had decided to attack in the early morning with the intent to harm. Why? I can only get that someone was not happy with the alliance made only the night before. Who ordered it? That's still being questioned with angry individuals determined to find out who did this.


Taran pauses from his stride peering down at the top of my head. He makes a sound of acknowledgment and I glance at him. His entire attire is cleaned up; deep, dark forest green tunic with gold embroidery with matching gold hoops hugging close to his ears. White pants covered his bottom half with dark boots to cover his feet and calves. He's been having to wear formal clothing more and more recently with all events and meetings that required such attire.

I had to ask. "What happened to the fifteen individuals?" I had asked the why, the who, but what was the end result of the morning?

Without a second of hesitation, he answered. "Dead."

I widen my eyes. "Dead?" 

I could see his shoulder sag down alittle. Taran turned his heel to face me completely, gold eyes focused on mine with an unwavering gaze. "Yes, dead. Every single one." 

The information was logical. If someone tried taking over a town sometimes death was an outcome in protecting the town. You kill those who threaten your life and those who you love. It is the reality of things. That hasn't changed throughout the years; in modern times its only harder to get away with murdering without being punished yourself. But despite the logical reasoning, fifteen entities were still dead.

Taran sighs heavily, taking a step forward and pull me into a tight embrace. Slowly, I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his torso, fingers curling in the fabric of his tunic. I couldn't help myself, the question slips out as soon as the thought of it was processed in my mind. "How many did you kill...?" 

He's quiet for a moment, shifting his positioning so that his chin rested on top of my head. "Five, I killed the most out of all who was there last night." My fingers tighten on the fabric. He sighs again noting my stiffening muscles.

"You have to understand that I am from the Hunt. I'm a hunter. It's what I was before meeting you, before becoming your guardian and what I still am to this day. Killing is something natural for me to do," he explains not holding back any information. "Last night is something I had to do."

I can feel him pulling my from closer, pressing it against his. "I'm not going to allow anything to hurt you, not if I can help it even if it means killing. I won't regret it one second." I could hear the protective growl coming out at the edge of his words.

He pulls away slightly in order to look down at me. I crane my neck to met his gaze. My mind says I should be afraid of him. Like he said he's a hunter, he won't hesitate to kill. But even so I don't feel afraid but worry that he'll get hurt. "But what if one day you get hurt, what if one day... You don't come back?" I murmur watching as he lowers his face closer to mine. My eyes are just filled with the gold hue, my face stilled with the touch of his hands on each side of my checks. His lips are warm against mine.

He pulls away a little, still leaving barely any space. "It's a risk that I'll have to take every single time," he mumbled, barely comprehensible with the low tone of his voice. "But I'm will to take it every time if that means you are safe." There's no space between us again. My arms move to around his neck and hold onto him as if he was going to disappear. I want him to always come back; bloodied or not, I want him to always come back. 

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