Tuesday, October 29, 2013


My fingers dig into the soft fabrics of my white dress, pressing the bunched up textile against my chest. Heat radiated from my cheeks and ears, I could hear the rapid heart beat in my ears and feeling it trying to burst from my chest. I felt so vulnerable, so exposed to him and I knew that it wasn't even much. I wanted to call him a liar, but I held my tongue. He did not have the ability to lie because he just with held additional, important information, something ingrained into his very nature.

I didn't need to see his amused expression, it bore into my bare back. He was mildly entertained with my nervous embarrassment but he didn't speak a word of it. I focused my gaze forward staring at the maroon fabrics, various moss green and yellow pushed pillows that laid onto of furniture while trying to ignore the touch of the bristled brush and smooth liquid.

I jumped, startled if anything more flushed at the feel of his lips brushed against my bare shoulder. This time he has a low rumble of a chuckle. "Just relax love." I couldn't help but think it was easy for him to say as I swallowed thickly. Curling in my dress a little tighter, I shuddered at the touch of the cool, copper red liquid. I could only imagine what markings he was laying on my skin; markings that would only be visible for a few days, before fading away like a henna tattoo. But the markings would still be permanently etched into my skin, there was no way to get rid of them and there was always the possibility of them reappearing.

He moves loose pieces of my hair that managed to escape my braid away from from the nape of my neck and continued his work.

Protection and bondage. These are what the markings provided. Protection from any malicious harm that could be send my way and being bonded to the very person who worked on my back. I could only associated this with some type of marriage ritual but magic worked within the liquid concoction. I almost could feel strands of my soul being weaved together with his. I all ready felt like I wouldn't be able to stomach another man's intimate touch.This was dangerous, what we were doing. Being bonded to in such a way when we all ready lived two words apart? Did he really have so much faith in the future that may or may not come?

My heart rate increased when his toned, muscled arms wrapped around my waist pulling me a little closer. Kisses littered my back, I couldn't resist a shutter of pleasure at the feel of warm lips. I stuttered his name to catch his attention. "Can I cover my back now?" I requested meekly, desperately wishing to cover myself.

I felt his warm breath behind my ear. "No."

"Aren't you done?"

"No." There was a smug tone in it that did not signal anything fortunate for me. Somehow he managed to turn me around to face him. I felt so small compared to his tall, muscled form that just engulfed me every time. "There's also your front to deal with."

If even physically possible, I blushed even harder staring up into dark his gold eyes searching for an signs of a twinkle of a joke.  But I was only distracted with my head being pulled close and his mouth covering mine. He only exchanged slow kisses; gentle, and reassuring. They were enough to sweep me into a haze of not thinking but only feeling.

Eventually I can't resist his charms any longer and allow him to do what he needs to finish. Marking where ever he needed on my body to complete the contract amongst the comforting caresses and kisses. I am his and only his; I belong to no one else.

Finally I was able to fix my dress properly around my body again, feeling more comfortable with the familiar fabrics against my skin. I made a small sound when I felt pressure on my left shoulder, and tried my best to tilt my head without bumping into his face and see past my now loose locks. "Remember no sunlight for at least a day."

"Even physically?" I couldn't hep inquire. I thought about all the places that he marked and considered what the next day was. I would be in my work clothes 'till sunrise to sunset and they would indeed cover every spot.

"Yes." He paused for a moment. "And there will be slight side affects but they will only last about a week."

I glance wearily at him at the notion of side affects. before lightly leaning my head against his. "And you? Do I something similar to you?"

He made a sound of agreement his finding their way around my waist again. "The sooner, the better but take your time love. I don't want to rush you through all this," he murmured, surprisingly me slightly with his last comment. I start to lean back to rest against him, letting him readjust to my new position.

I could only dwell on what was just completed and consider, was what we did a mistake?

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